Sunday, September 13, 2009

First Committee Meeting

We had a group of fifteen people show up for our first meeting. The when and where issues were discussed and we should have an announcement for everyone by the 1st of November. The one thing I can say is if you are a part of this group "YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS EVENT".
It looks like this will be something special and set a new benchmark for all future get togethers.

My thanks to all the folks that have signed up to the blog site. This is going to make communicating with the masses so much easier. But we want more so I'm asking you to share this site with anyone and everyone you can and ask them to sign in.

My personal email address is located on the blog site and if you have any questions please feel free to reach out. Thanks again for your support, B


  1. I'm glad to hear that the first meeting went well. I could not attend I was out of town. Please let me know when the next meeting will be.
    Roseann Giovenco

  2. I'm glad to hear that something is being planned. I have never been to a class reunion yet after all these years. Maybe at 40 years, it is time that I participated! I look forward to seeing what develops for the event.
