Sunday, August 30, 2009

Records Update

If you've moved, changed your phone numbers or e-mail address and are interested in updating our records please send the information to my personal e-mail address listed below. We keep these records so the reunion group can stay in touch, we will not share them with anyone unless you have given us permission.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Subscribe for Updates

Howdy folks, I was under a misconception about some rules this blog site offers. I thought that by being a follower that each of you would be notified when we made any new posts. Boy was I wrong and I apologize. As much as I appreciate the first 24 followers to our site I need to ask you come back to the link and subscribe for updates. This will only take a minute of your time and then when I make a new post you'll receive an e-mail letting you know.
It very easy to do, at the top of the blog page you'll see a box inviting you to subscribe. Enter your e-mail address, then you'll receive a confirmation at your e-mail account, at that point all you need to do is activate this feature. The whole process should take less then 60 seconds. I will not have access to these addresses, nor can I see who has signed up to receive updates, all I can see is who the followers are. This is a very safe way for both you and me.
You are some of the first folks aboard and we're depending on each of you to reach out to a fellow classmate and let then know that the LHS 40th Reunion is just around the corner. Thanks again for all your help. Bernard Bailey